
Training and Tips to Sell More Prosciutto di Parma

As a retailer that sells Prosciutto di Parma, you and your staff are likely to have questions about the process for prepping, slicing and storing it. Additionally, you might receive questions from customers about the product and what makes it special. The following information will help you handle Prosciutto di Parma with the utmost care and make sure your customers are receiving accurate information about these world renowned hams.


What is Prosciutto Di Parma?
Prosciutto di Parma is an all-natural, gluten-free product free of preservatives and nitrates. It is made only from the hind legs of specially-bred pigs and sea salt.

Where is it produced?
Prosciutto di Parma can only come from the province of Parma in North-Central Italy, where unique microclimates and Mediterranean breezes combine to provide ideal conditions for curing meat.

How long is it aged?
Every leg of Prosciutto di Parma is aged for at least 400 days and up to 30 months. As Prosciutto di Parma ages, the flavor becomes richer, more complex and drier in texture.

Why is it pricey?
Prosciutto di Parma is a product of superior quality that is highly traceable throughout the entire production process, from the moment each pig is born. It is a traditional product that boasts a certified PDQ [Protected Designation of Origin] status.

What differenciates Prosciutto Di Parma from other cured hams?
The time-honored process for curing Prosciutto di Parma, setting it apart from other cured hams, begins with Parma•s unique terroir and Italy’s finest pigs. Pampered pigs are raised on a special diet that includes whey from Parmigiano-Reggiano production. Unlike other cured hams, Prosciutto di Parma has a more delicate flavor, is 100°10 natural and free of preservatives.

Is it salty?
The traditional curing process includes careful hand salting and long-term aging [more than most cured hams], contributing to Prosciutto di Parma•s less salty taste. On average, each ham is made up of only 5.3°10 salt. In fact, the product’s sweetness and nuttiness are signature flavors of its production.

How can I cook with it?
Prosciutto di Parma is delicious on its own, layered on bread, wrapped around seasonal fruit or on a charcuterie board. Quickly liven up a dish by dicing the end cut for pastas, spicing up a grilled cheese or topping a pizza. Pair it with craft beer, such as a white ale, or a fruity white wine.

See Parts and Prep for recipe ideas and more.